Saturday, October 23, 2010

Twitter SEO Value

Twitter has gained huge popularity in last few years. And many ask the question about its SEO value. From Google perceptive Twitter links have nofollow attribute, which blocks the flow of PageRank, and carry little link value to help with organic rankings. But even nofollow links bring extra visitors to the target website which is the main goal of SEO. The other benefit is that Twitter is a social media tool which creates community and relationships. And implementing social media tools can go a long way in building Internet brand awareness and raising company profile.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Is SEO overrated

Some of the customers are getting frustrated and asking: Is SEO overrated? It is probably like asking is recession overrated? It all depends where you live, and how good or bad your finances are. Global economic downturn has caused many companies losing their sales. And many of them are cutting down marketing budgets to increase cash flow. However without their current spending for search engine marketing, the sales numbers could have been even worse. Also search engine optimisation is still one of the best strategy to bring traffic to the website and it deos not requite big marketing budget. SEO is not overrated but in some cases it is misunderstood and poorly executed marketing strategy.